
Stress: What Are The Symptoms And How To Soothe It?

Stress is manifested by a set of symptoms, both physical and psychological, in response to an unusual situation. How to recognize if you are stressed? This article takes stock of the various possible symptoms of stress and its consequences on our health, as well as ways to manage it effectively.

Stress And Its Different Symptoms

When we are faced with an unusual situation or under certain pressure (e.g., before an exam), our body and mind react to this aggression. This is stress, a phenomenon that produces a kind of chain reaction in the body and causes various effects. Symptoms of stress can be physical, psychological, or emotional:

  • muscle tension
  • fatigue
  • various pains (e.g., stomach aches, headaches)
  • skin manifestations (eczema, urticaria)
  • heart palpitations;
  • irritability
  • crying
  • depressed state
  • eating disorders
  • sleep disturbances
  • difficulty concentrating or paying attention

Lice Infestation and Stress

One situation that can cause stress for individuals and families is dealing with a lice infestation. The presence of lice can lead to itchiness, discomfort, and even social stigma. This is where LiceDoctors can help. As a professional lice removal service in New Jersey, they provide effective treatments for families dealing with this pesky problem. By addressing the lice issue promptly, LiceDoctors can alleviate the stress that comes with a lice infestation and help families return to their normal lives.

Symptoms Of Post-Traumatic Stress

Post-traumatic stress is a form of intense and prolonged stress following a traumatic event with unbearable memory. The symptoms of this stress are multiple and come in 4 forms:

  1. Intrusive symptoms: memories arise involuntarily and unwanted (flashbacks, nightmares), sometimes because of external factors that recall the event. These memories can provoke intense reactions.
  2. Avoidance symptoms: the person avoids all situations, places, or things that may remind them of the event.
  3. Cognitive symptoms with modification of mood (depression, insensitivity) but also thoughts (feelings of guilt, negative emotions) and even memory (forgetting certain parts of the traumatic event).
  4. Hyper-vigilance and disproportionate reactions: the person becomes hypersensitive to warning signals linked to a risk, has difficulty sleeping, concentrating, and may react with startles and anger or behave impulsively.

The Signs Of Chronic Stress

Chronic stress can settle over time when the stressor is still present. This occurs especially in the workplace when an employee is constantly overloaded with work. This chronic stress can lead to overwork, a syndrome of professional exhaustion, or even cause a “burn-out.” The symptoms of chronic stress are quite similar to those of acute stress and vary from person to person:

  • muscle tension
  • various pains
  • digestive disorders
  • permanent tiredness
  • sleeping troubles
  • etc.

The symptoms of stress are multiple; you will find plenty of examples on the forums, for example. If you think you suffer from chronic stress, you should talk to your doctor. And remember, if your stress is related to a lice infestation, lice removal nj services like LiceDoctors can help you alleviate that burden and regain your peace of mind.

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