
When are Dental Crowns a Better Option than Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are a common treatment for tooth decay and other kinds of dental damage. Once a Buffalo Grove, Illinois dentist removes a tooth’s damaged part, they will fill the space with a material to restore the original shape of the affected tooth and improve its overall look. However, sometimes, a dental filling is not enough to support a tooth’s structure. If a tooth is missing a big part, a dental crown may be the right treatment to prevent further damage to the tooth. 

Reasons Dental Crowns May Be Recommended

Generally, dental fillings are a default treatment for repairing a tooth. They are inexpensive and provide long-lasting results. But if a dental filling cannot effectively handle tooth damage, a dentist may give other recommendations. 

Dental crowns are more expensive than dental fillings, but they may be the only option for saving a tooth. A crown is made to be strong enough to support the structure of a tooth. It may be recommended over other treatment options when a tooth has sustained a crack or break, if a big part of the affected tooth must be removed due to significant decay, and if a dental bridge is used to restore missing teeth. In addition, placing dental crowns is an important part of a root canal procedure meant to get rid of a deeper tooth infection. If you get dental implants, you also need dental crowns to serve as your artificial teeth placed on top of the implants. 

Each situation is different. Thus, you need to consult with your dentist who can provide you with personalized recommendations.

Enjoy Long-Lasting Results

Good dental crowns can last at least ten years. Thus, your teeth will have dependable protection for years. And you enjoy a beautiful smile without worrying about issues after the crown procedure is done. 

Your dentist will customize your dental crown to fit the specifics of your tooth. Once the crown is placed, it feels like a real tooth. Also, dental crowns are made to match your existing teeth in terms of color, shape, and size. A skilled dentist will make a crown that is not noticeable, which means that nobody will know you are wearing one. Sometimes, you may also get dental crowns for covering seriously discolored teeth. 

Dental crowns offer restorative and cosmetic benefits. Your dentist will determine if they are the right option for you based on your unique dental needs.  

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