
How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be difficult to deal with. You may feel a sharp pain whenever you try to drink hot or cold beverages or food items. Tooth sensitivity can disrupt your everyday life by limiting the number of things you can eat. Fortunately, there are ways to manage this problem. The first step is finding out the root cause of the problem. 

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel, the top protective layer of your teeth, is damaged and the underlying layer of dentin shows. When hot or cold items touch the dentin, you feel pain. This is because dentin stimulates the nerves in your mouth. If you are suffering from tooth sensitivity, you should ignore the problem. Visit a Denver, CO dentist today. 

Tips for dealing with tooth sensitivity 

  • Brush gently. 

Some people brush their teeth vigorously, hoping to clear the stain off their teeth. Not only will your stain not go away, but too-tough brushing can cause your gums to pull away your teeth, exposing the nerve area. When hot or cold items touch this area, your nerves are stimulated, and you feel a sharp pain. Instead, brush gently and use a soft-bristled toothbrush. 

  • Use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. 

Using toothpaste specifically made for people with tooth sensitivity can help relieve the symptoms until you can go to the dentist for treatment. To prevent sensitivity, these toothpastes contain ingredients that fill the small holes in your enamel and dentin. When the holes are filled, it reduces the amount of exposure to hot or cold foods. 

  • Rinse with a fluoride mouthwash. 

Fluoride present in over-the-counter mouthwashes can strengthen your tooth enamel and protect it from sensitivity. Using dental products that the American Dental Association or ADA approves is recommended. Fluoride can protect you from a bunch of other dental problems, like tooth decay and cavities, which also cause sensitivity. 

  • Use a mouthguard at night. 

Some people have bruxism, a condition where they unconsciously grind their teeth while sleeping and do not even know it. If you have bruxism, consider wearing a mouthguard to bed. Grinding your teeth puts pressure on the enamel and damages it. A custom mouthguard protects against pressure and prevents damage. 

  • Avoid acidic drinks. 

Acidic drinks and sodas are some of the biggest culprits for tooth damage and enamel erosion. Acids are bad for your teeth. They eat away your enamel and cause tooth sensitivity and decay. The citrus fruit juices you think are healthy for your diet may not be healthy for your teeth. Additionally, wait for at least 30 minutes after eating citrus fruits to brush your teeth. 

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