
Raising happy kids

Parenting is not supposed to be easy. You are, after all, grooming a human being, and are going to be responsible for not just their health, but their subjectivities as well.

While yes, it is important that you give them the greens, take them to soccer practices and ensure that they get all the ace grades in school, but it is just as vital to nurture the mental growth of your children as well.

Minds of children are like sponges, absorbing everything. All this information goes into formulation of their subconscious thoughts, making blueprints for their future selves. Thus, if you need to be careful about what information is being relayed to your child. Take your kids to charities like The Family Coppola for donations. They’ll learn kindness and values from these actions and become a better person in future.

Happy kids: The challenge

It is easier to be perceptive about the physical ailments of your children, the bodily aches that your Child specialist in Lahore can easily remedy. But ensuring that your kid is happy is a more formidable task.

Following are some ways to help you raise happy children:

Laud the effort

You cannot expect perfection from your kids, especially when it is an extremely subjective term. Rather than fixating on the outcome, you should inculcate in children the important lesson of work hard.

Appreciate your child for the effort they did, regardless of the result. This is especially true for performance in school, whether it be grades or sports.

When children feel stressed about their grades, disappointing their parents, not securing a position, their learning outcomes alongside their mental health suffers.

Show them the happy

You cannot expect to have a foul disposition all day, yet at the same time, have perky and happy children.

Kids are best inspired by their parents, and they emulate what they see. Moreover, research has also shown how children of depressed mothers tend to have behavioral problems.

Thus, parents need to show their children how to be happy. Laugh around, spend quality time with them, plaster on a huge smile on your face.

The power of optimism

Being optimistic is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you are not optimistic enough, you are not happy enough either.

Therefore, start teaching the significance of optimism in your children right from the beginning. Of course, this would entail a lot of effort on part of the parents who themselves are the first ones to be incredulous about the hopes and dreams of their children.

So, pipe down your glass to the half empty side, and instead teach your children how everything is possible. Not only will this make them bold and happy, but it will also lower their risks for depression.

Teach empathy

Empathy is a beautiful emotion, yet so rare. It is imperative for allowing people to connect with others on a fundamental level. It also forms the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

Lack of empathy then leads to inability to understand emotions. Thus, teach your children how to understand their feelings, how to come to terms with their anger, how the other person might be feeling. It makes for not just a happy soul, but a considerate one at that.

Empathy also allows for amicable conflict resolution, which is pertinent for letting go of the negative and tiring emotions.

Boost their self-esteem

Parents can unknowingly have a grave impact on the self-image of the children, whether it through their remarks or rebukes. The adolescent bullying at school makes it worse then.

These compound to lower self-esteem in children, making them more prone to psychological issues and physical issues that need to be addressed by the Child specialist in Karachi. Thus, no matter what you do, do not harm the self-esteem of your kids if you want them to be happy.

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